Chinese Shar-Pei Club of Canada's (CSPCC) official newsletter The WrinkleGram is a bi-monthly publication distributed free of charge to the club membership.

The newsletter is a source of information about show results, breed news, club minutes and other information of interest to the membership.

Current Issue

March 2013

Submissions, Advertising & Photos

Members purchase advertising in the Wrinkle Gram.

Article submissions are always welcome! Please feel free to mail your submissions to:

Lynda Corkum
5501 St. Margarets Bay Rd
St. Margarets Bay, NS
B3Z 2H8

Please don't forget we want to hear from you! The Wrinkle Gram is interested in stories, letters to the editor, helpful hints etc. Help keep us informed by sending your information! If you are sending photos and would like to have them mailed back, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Deadlines for submissions:

Examples of past issues:


National Specialty Edition 2006
National Specialty Edition 2005

Chinese Shar-Pei Club of Canada's WebMaster